
Posts Tagged ‘Discuss’

I will be posting up quotes, religious passages, videos, stories etc so that they can be discussed and understood from different perspectives. A post will be up once every week and be up for about seven days so that all of us have enough time to discuss the topic thoroughly.

If a quote is put up feel free to tie it with a religious passage, and vice versa. If a video is posted, share how that has impacted you. If a story is posted, point out how you had a similar experience in the past. The goal is to do what ever it takes so that others can see quotes, religious passages, videos and stories from a different light. We are here to grow intellectually and spiritually.

If you have thoughts for future posts to discuss feel free to email me at staney.james@gmail.com. I want all of us to gain the most out of this blog so suggestions, comments and constructive criticism are welcome.

Please be respectful towards others opinions.

Your opinions are based on your own personal experiences and that varies from person to person

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