
Posts Tagged ‘Ethnicity’

The ability to love is truly a gift to all. Love is the only way those of different race, culture and ethnicity can come together. Religion on the other hand has been one of the main reasons we have conflict among each other. We cultivate a sense of belonging among those who share similar faiths, but simultaneously build walls and keep out those of different faiths. Love brings out the characteristics of compassion, patience, understanding and forgiveness. As you can see, love has the potential to bring out the best in all of us. Let us do away with religion and focus on a better way to come together. Let us learn to focus on our ability to love for the betterment of our society, our family and ultimately ourselves.

Organized religion has helped burn bridges between people all over the world, but with love we are given the opportunity to put those flames out and rebuild what we’ve destroyed. We do not need religion; all we need is love.

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